YaCy ([site](http://yacy.net), [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YaCy), [github](https://github.com/yacy)) is a free distributed search engine, built on principles of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks.
I'm currently using Aura 4.0.0 on CachyOS. CachyOS includes some AUR packages, which they review and provide as binary packages in the default repositories. It's a bit like Chaotic-AUR, but on a small…
### 1. What is your project?
With the gracious support of Protocol Labs (#253), I developed [peerchan](https://gitgud.io/threshold862543/peerchan), a peer-to-peer imageboard system based on the [Peer…
Signum Node version v3.8.2, Linux Mint 22 amd64
This is just a test node. I run headless node.
First I noticed my node was synchronizing with TESTNET but node.properties was not configured for t…
Things to consider:
- Component might be deployed twice, so bonuses might increase
- Some architecture cards require 2 copies, some just 1. It must be balanced
- Bonuses must be very gentle, they s…
Wouldn't it be awesome if we had a database that was based on the same architecture as NodeJS itself? Well that is what us crazy mad scientists did, we built GUN and it hit the Top 4% of NPM on launch…
amark updated
8 years ago
Report from Discord user KuDeTa: https://discord.com/channels/905194001349627914/1014169639258964081/1016969914805927987
> Neither Goerli nor mainnet will sync reliably for me
> Geth, erigon, prys…
I found the following 4 directories, each containing a `data.mdb` as well as a `lock.mdb` file. But am not sure if I can somehow find the whole chat history in here? Would love a clarification what th…
I can’t sync electrs. Every time I launch the program, after a variable time between 10 minutes and an hour, the sync gets stuck and I receive this error:
Error: electrs failed
Hi, I'm interested in building a demonstrator for distributed persistent data storage - something like refuge.io - where nodes can publish content, replicate other nodes' data. I plan to use trusted …