To better understand the significance of meetup membership numbers and to make them more comparable among different cities, these should be weighted by a population value.
One of the valuable use cases for urban water data is the comparison of per capita water use across "similar" cities in the West.
This project is a great example for us. It only focuses on the Col…
dark shrine (20 labor, criminal, singleton)
allows you to sacrifice the population for gold, in the same exchange rate for capitols. Immediately destroys any shrines and no more shrines can be bu…
Is there a way to create custom actions aside from the generic CRUD actions. I would like to have a route like e.g. /cities/5/population or cities/5/currentusers ... something like that. I have it wor…
Hi Pete,
What an interesting work. I wanted to try your tool with my own data but I can't move forward with the population of the database. Population of cities and countries works fine, but regions …
sh4rf updated
9 years ago
At the moment some threads are given computationally intensive areas like cities, whereas others have predominantly sea or low population densities. Instead, we could rank grid cells by population siz…
[{'name': 'Geneva',
'official_name': 'Canton de Genève',
'country_code': 'CH',
'longitude': 6.11044,
'latitude': 46.19673,
'geoname_id': '2660645',
As a user I want to be able to see all the cities in the world organised by population from largest to smallest
As a user I want to be able to see all the cities in a continent organised by population from largest to smallest
As a user I want to be able to see all the cities in a district organised by population from largest to smallest