# エラー内容
このリポジトリをローカルに保存し,mix deps.getを行った後に起動を試みると下記のようなエラーが発生し,起動できない.
[error] Postgrex.Protocol (#PID) failed to connect: ** (DBConnection.ConnectionError) tcp connect (localhost:5432): conne…
Not sure if this is a bug or a feature request, but I'm wondering how to return a single entry. For example, I have a series of entries that are similar but just have different ids and "created_at" fi…
If we can apply `parameters: [plan_cache_mode: "force_custom_plan"]` only when PostgreSQL 12+ servers are being connected to we will get a big performance increase for all Ecto/Postgrex users.
PostgreSQL has multiple built-in range types, and allows creating a new one over just about anything comparable. Currently only a couple of range types are supported, and as a special case.
I propo…
Is it possible to pass a schema/prefix to the library if my Postgres tables are in a schema different from the default 'public' one? For ecto itself, I'm able to do this by setting a prefix, following…
### What happened?
When starting the devtool (mac M1, maybe not specific to this OS), the postgres connexion crash.
### What browsers are you seeing the problem on?
_No response_
### Version
I'm returning a Postgres interval to my client via EctoInterval which serializes a Postgrex.Interval into some Json that looks like `{secs: 0, months: 50, microsecs: 0, days: 25}`... I'd like to be ab…
### Elixir version
### Database and Version
PostgreSQL 15.4
### Ecto Versions
### Database Adapter and Versions (postgrex, myxql, etc)
### Current behavi…
Hi, I'm using `epgsql` to connect to database under replication mode and then I start replication.
Here's a sample of the code written in Elixir:
epgsql_config =
Hello, thank you for the great on this project.
I'm trying to use it in a project, but it throws dependency errors:
When using `{:plsm, "~> 2.3.2"}`
Failed to use "postgrex" (version 0.1…