When I set the base point for stereographic projection on the equator, an unexpected *2 appears in the results compared to the case when the base point is only near the equator.
Example code:
I get wrong result for EPSG:5514 - JTSK specified by proj4j parameters. Conversion WGS84 -> JTSK is almost correct except SIGNs. Conversion from JTSK -> WGS84 is WRONG.
JTSK : ProjCoordinate[747963…
I found a problem with UTM projections like EPSG 2957.
That getmap :
String lccParam="+proj=lcc +lat_1=20.0 +lat_2=50.0 +lat_0=38.00001 +lon_0=102.0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +R=6370000 +no_defs";
The calculation result is wrong
Not sure if it's me doing something wrong... When running cs2cs with PROJ I get:
echo 6675487 3385780 0 | cs2cs EPSG:2393 EPSG:4326 -f %.15f
60.174995098323301 24.938895095805286 0.0000000000…
Is there a port of this library to android ?
I'm trying to do this in android and trying to avoid using a webview:
var latitude = 37.42342342342342, longitude = -122.08395287867832;
**Title:** Allow CRS WKT to represent the CRS without requiring reader to compare with grid mapping parameters
**Moderator:** ???
**Moderator Status Review [last updated: YY/MM/DD]:** ???
``` scala
Caused …
CRSFactory crsf = new CRSFactory();
CoordinateTransformFactory ctf = new CoordinateTransformFactory();
CoordinateReferenceSystem epsg4326 = crsf.createFromName("EPSG:4326")…
DEBUG log output of class import
`10:57:41.435 [main] DEBUG com.tngtech.archunit.ArchConfiguration - No configuration found in classpath at archunit.properties => Using default configuration