### Board
### Device Description
Custom PCB with ESP32-S3 WROOM
### Hardware Configuration
GPIO 6 attached to interrupt output of an IMU
### Version
### IDE Name
I can’t seem to get the ‘getPowerAlarm()’ function to output a usable response. Does the returned value (boolean) in this case represent that the power alarm is ‘triggered’? Or does it only signify th…
## 💥 Proposal
### What feature you'd like to see
Mocking currently only supports echoing and explicit reading of history once a port is opened. Provide a "back end" stream interface so we can e…
Hi Joba,
nach langen Tüftelön mit VS Code und Platform IO habe ich Dein Skript sauber kompilieren können. Nun scheitert es bei mir an der Stelle des Uploads. Ich habe Dir dazu einmal ein Foto angef…
Possibly use component: https://github.com/wernervanmele/esp-idf-pzem004tv3
### The problem
i have tried a lot of different ways but none of them work on windows and on a raspberry pi
- via https://web.esphome.io/ able to install and configure wifi but no logs or device…
### Sección Abierta para Lluvia de Ideas y Selección de Sensores
Este espacio está dedicado a la discusión y recopilación de ideas sobre los sensores que utilizaremos en el pro…
I first congratulate you on the work. It works very well to monitor consumption. It would lack a little more precision.
I wanted to know if it is possible to integrate at least one output to be able …
Using PZEM-004-T and DS18x20 separately is working, but when both are applied only PZEM-004-T is working.
_Make sure your have performed ev…
I have an issue with reported power results. I used the latest firmware, z2m 1.39.0 and generated z2m custom converter. If you look in the attached picture, the voltage and current, the calculated pow…