This is the error I get when trying to run 'python dettect.py generic -ds'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "dettect.py", line 353, in
File "dettect.py",…
The following issue aims to run the specified test for the current release candidate, report the results, and open new issues for any encountered errors.
## Modules tests information
Please clarifiy the role of the domains in `https://github.com/cado-security/DFIR_Resources_REvil_Kaseya/blob/main/IOCs/Domains.txt` . Are these part of a C2 infrastructure or are those compromised do…
app_1 | 2021/04/20 18:36:25 [ERROR] Got an error while scraping REvil, notifying
app_1 | 2021/04/20 18:36:25 [ERROR] Error sending Discord notification (400): {"embeds": ["0"]}
app_1 |…
Monster Hunter Rise uses Revil engine, and formats are .mesh, .tex, and .mdf2, but sadly meshes fail to import, however bones import fine.
Currently all the files extracted are hashed due to being …
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**What is happening:**
# Prerequisites
Please answer the following questions for yourself before submitting an issue.
- [X] I am running the latest version
- [X] I checked the documentation and found no ans…