### Description
Certain extensions may contain their own ExceptionMapper implementations. For instance resteasy-reactive-jackson contains the following [mapper for MismatchedInputExceptions](https:…
Related to https://github.com/nanocurrency/nano-node/issues/1783
RPC is currently accessible over a POST-only HTTP API. Responses always return HTTP status code 200. Instead, response codes shoul…
I'm relatively new to FastEndpoints, but I consider it a very mature library. Currently, I'm struggling with an elegant way how to generate error responses for various types of situations that can occ…
*Originally created by fsamwel (https://github.com/VNG-Realisatie/Haal-Centraal-BRK-bevragen/issues/902):*
wanneer in kadastraleAanduidingMetGemeentecode een gemeentecode zit die niet in de [Kadastra…
I wonder why the error needs to be protected... why not just use https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7807 ?
_Originally posted by @OR13 in https://github.com/peppelinux/draft-demarco-oauth-sta…
Criar ExceptionHandler para tratar as exceptions
- [x] - Criar pacote exceptionhandler
- [x] - Criar CodeConnectException estendendo RuntimeException
- [x] - Criar método que converte a exception do …
It would be good to have more guidance about the distinction of these, and what categories they apply to.
(Currently their formatting is roughly the same (and I believe we may want to relax the try…
Would be great to be able to return an object in addition to or instead of a string for errors. Or allow for other properties which would be fully content-typeable to a custom response object within t…
**Affects:** 6.1.5
Hello. I noticed that when using the RFC7807 error handler, the AsyncRequestTimeoutException is not handled correctly.
The `org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotati…
Errors _404_ and _405_ are treated in a special way by Flask-Restful (see [_should_use_fr_error_handler()](https://github.com/flask-restful/flask-restful/blob/master/flask_restful/__init__.py#L217)). …