Today (2020-01-11), timeseries data downloaded via usual get_RKI_timeseries() with standard parameter url = https://opendata.arcgis.com/datasets/dd4580c810204019a7b8eb3e0b329dd6_0.csv" delivers only s…
Adding mathjax to the flask notebook. The following patch should apply to the
current tip of rkirov-flask. I merges all patches from trac_9774 and is rebased.
To try it also you have to unzip Ma…
Title say's it all :)
Split the `sormas-oegd-credible-testdata.R` into at least the following files:
1. a file/function which creates the parameters from the RKI dashboard/page and **stores them …
# Related Issues:
- [ ] #227
- [ ] #228
- [ ] #229
In the future, with models with many states of "infected" like "infected vaccinated" or "infected unvaccinated", aggregation of compartme…
Berücksichtigung neuer Inzidenz-Grenze **165** für verpflichtenden Distanzunterricht
"Für Schulen wäre, wenn das Gesetz so vom Bundestag beschlossen wird, Distanzunterricht ab einem Inzidenzwe…
please include graphs that show how many people got infected on a given day (and not when their sickness got publ…
## Feature description
Tests are ordered with special form sheets published by KBV:
The patient have to be notified from the result via mail or CWA. T…
Liebe Nutzer:innen,es gibt aktuell Probleme bei der Datenbereitstellung in diesem Github Repo. Wir arbeiten daran, dies so schnell wie möglich zu beheben.Viele Grüße,RKI Open Data Team
Hallo zusammen,
Ich würde mich über ein neues Feature freuen, welches die Krankenhausbettenbelegung (Intensivstation) hinzufügt. Wie viele Betten es gibt, wie viele belegt sind. Welche Patienten be…
As the tsv files from impfdashboard does not show the percentage of booster shots I searched for a data source and stumbled over this here, also by RKI:
- https://github.com/robert-koch-institut/COV…
Bouni updated
3 years ago