异常提示 rock@hinlink-ht2:~/桌面/delete-my-history-in-tieba$ pipx install -r requirements.txt
usage: pipx [-h] [--version]
Please assign it to me.
Good afternoon,
Since Radxa ROCK 5A and 5B are supported, could you please add support of ROCK 5C as well?
Thank you very much
## Description of Issue
On Pachycephalosaurus, you can glitch into the wall and get into/behind the rock wall. If you get completely behind, you can walk around and get out again. You can also just g…
Please assign it to me.
Just installed some new Ubuntu Server 24.04 VMs rocking snmpd (net-snmp) v5.9.4 and I'm seeing a new problem, probably related to Linux kernel v6.7 (or v6.8?) as per another thread I found here.
**Describe your proposal**
Add possybility to move via boat through rock like terrains.
It will be an application as provident by name that will allow user to play Rock Paper Scissor. It will be a good task for beginner to understand fundamental topics.
### What happened?
With ROCK 5B+, there is no audio input device(hdmi in).
For orange pi 5 plus and ROCK 5B, it's ok.
![Screenshot from 2024-09-23 23-07-48](https://github.com/user-attachments/asse…