[Latent Target-Opinion as Prior for Document-Level Sentiment Classification: A Variational Approach from Fine-Grained Perspective](https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3442381.3449789)
I chose this p…
We already do a bag of words, and word counts. Would it be useful to anyone to expose this functionality for other classification uses?
Some other things to consider:
- [ ] N-grams
- [ ] Levens…
Ch4s3 updated
7 years ago
I know we can do text classification as positive and negative as mentioned in below notebook. Is there any way to classify neutral sentiment also?
I wonder if we should use t2t-decode in classification problem like sentiment_imdb:
When I try to decode to get the classification label, it raises an exception:
```AttributeError: 'HParams' objec…
## Goal:
Create our own data collection for text classification and NER(Named Entity Recognition)
## Definition of done:
- [ ] Partner with a teaching institution
- [ ] Create a concept note for t…
Currently, text is only being classified by sentiment and language, but there's quite a few other ways to classify text. I propose text should be classified by formality, controversialness (this can b…
- [ ] read the [paper](https://arxiv.org/pdf/2009.07964.pdf), design more advanced features, for example
* the number of `but` (`however`)
* sentiment consistency of aspects
* sentiment…
Potential Czech datasets to fit into the existing tasks:
- Question answering: [SQAD](https://huggingface.co/datasets/fewshot-goes-multilingual/cs_squad-3.0) and [Klokan](https://huggingface.co/dat…
Thanks for your great work!
When I opened some 'index.html' files, such as sketcher, sentiment-classification, fast-style, texter and face-segmentation, the model loading seems cannot stop. Coul…
I am using BERT to do sentiment classification. I am currently classifying into positive, negative and neutral.
I have some data with emojis and it is always classifying them as neutral. I think I …