Vulnerable Library - bootstrap-3.2.0.min.js
The most popular front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Library home page: https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/lib…
Vulnerable Library - eslint-6.8.0.tgz
Path to dependency file: /package.json
Path to vulnerable library: /node_modules/minimatch/package.json
Found in HEAD commit: 61d9a00adb133fa36fda4bab28b909…
`customer-honoria`: Google doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hFpr_0RCiD_FK7fndrZ6ZO5l6Hd90op0HusTUVQI4VQ/edit?tab=t.0
- @noahtalerman: _User requested this because_ they see missing CVSS score…
It installed successfully but i got a warning of 3 high vulnerabilities
Vulnerable Library - expo-51.0.32.tgz
Path to dependency file: /package.json
Path to vulnerable library: /node_modules/execa/node_modules/cross-spawn/package.json
Found in HEAD commit: c13b3dabe…
Vulnerable Library - gson-2.3.1.jar
Google Gson library
Library home page: http://www.google.com
Path to vulnerable library: /app/libs/gson-2.3.1.jar
Found in HEAD commit: e1d70a52ba61585778ffd22…
Vulnerable Library - bootstrap-3.3.7.jar
WebJar for Bootstrap
Library home page: http://webjars.org
Path to dependency file: /pom.xml
Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.m2/repository/org…
Please update "markdown-it". See https://github.com/advisories/GHSA-6vfc-qv3f-vr6c
### Snyk has created this PR to fix 4 vulnerabilities in the npm dependencies of t…
Vulnerable Library - language-3.8.0.tgz
Path to dependency file: /natural-language/JavaScript/sms-sentiment/package.json
Path to vulnerable library: /cloud-translation/JavaScript/sms-translation/no…