I want to confirm can I use the following versions required for XA.Reference
1.- SXA 1.5
2.- XP 8.2 Upd-5
3.- Sitecore PowerShell Extensions 4.7
Can I use this solution with above versions …
### Steps to Reproduce the Problem
1. Enable `Cognifide.PowerShell.Events.config` file
2. Open CE
3. Add new integration point
4. Open script library node (Functions) and add new script
5. Remove scri…
I Installed Sitecore PowerShell Extensions-3.1 for Sitecore 8 on our Sitecore 8 update 2 solution. When I start the powershell ISE I get a null reference exception (stack trace below).
I also ins…
We need to implement command-line interface for automation purpose. The list of commands to implement:
- list
- install
- install-package
- uninstall
- start
- stop
- kill
We are working on Powershell for Sitecore and tried to save cookies. We have tried the samples in the links below but no luck. Could you give any suggestion?
Here is a useful script for caching
**EDIT 26/11/2018**:
* **Am I affected?**:
If you are using anything crypto-currency related, then maybe. As discovered by @maths22, the target seems to have been identified as copay related libr…
It could be really usefull to implement the wathif flags as it is in most powershell commands.: https://www.pluralsight.com/blog/software-development/test-powershell-with-whatif
Thank you…
Documentation here: https://sitecorepowershell.gitbooks.io/sitecore-powershell-extensions/appendix/commands/Get-Rendering.html
When using Get-Rendering, there are not many options to specify which …
When i use commnads ( [Sitecore.Globals]::LinkDatabase.Rebuild($database))to rebuild, i am getting as "Unable to find type [Sitecore.Globals]."
Can you please guide me how to proceed