Haven't managed to reproduce the issue with a small selection of other games, but since it appears sound-based from the backtrace, I assume there are others that would trigger it as well.
[wav to sn76489.zip](https://github.com/digital-sound-antiques/vgm-conv/files/6998343/wav.to.sn76489.zip)
This is an antique program more than ten years ago that converts WAV to VGM files.
I think it can be regarded as a square wave of the same frequency
vgm-conv -f sn76489 -t ay8910 -D periodicNoiseAssignment=env.saw -D periodicNoiseVolume=5 -D periodicNoisePitchShift=4 in.vgm -o out.vgm
I tested that periodicNoiseVolume=5 and periodicNoiseVolume=…
The SN76489 periodic noise sounds like a bass bass near A1~A2, but the sound is very high after conversion.
vgm-conv -f sn76489 -t ay8910 -D mixChannel=0 -D periodicNoisePitchShift=5 in.vgm -o out.vgm
I found that only -D periodicNoisePitchShift=5 is effective, and the -D mixChannel=0 written in front is…