### Environment
#### Sonata packages
$ composer show --latest 'sonata-project/*'
Direct dependencies required in composer.json:
sonata-project/admin-bundle …
What happened?
I wanted to install anonymizer using composer, but the following incompatibilities occurred, making it impossible to use it.
i got this error:
![bildschirmfoto 2016-01-14 um 17 07 45](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/995707/12329619/71629bb2-bae1-11e5-9f0c-ad6287ab6056.png)
any idea @sagikazarmark
some unordered todo list based on https://github.com/Haehnchen/idea-php-symfony2-plugin/milestones/Plugin%20Cleanup :
- migrate ui: type provider, method references
- finalize json configuration file …
* [ ] Make sure the examples work
* [ ] Follow the symfony best practices (see #591)
* [ ] Do not use unmaintained components (e.g. simple cms bundle)
What do you think of having the default TTL of BlockVarnishCache configurable by parameter?
I need it for my current project, so if it sounds interesting I could do a PR.
@DavidSoussan I've added you to this repo, so you should be able to commit. The branch is `fos-2.x`
I am new to civicrm. can you guide me how can i integrate civicrm with sonata admin ?
When I uncheck a box (For example : User -> View) and hit the 'save' button, a green box say that the group was updated but the box is always checked!
It's like you only can check boxes :/
I fol…
I've noticed another strange behavior of this bundle: it uses counter that starts from 0, while SonataAdminBundle's javascript, which is used by 'sonata_type_collection' (admin that's embedded inside …