## What you want to achieve
I wonder how is the "comfort" level of a technology modelled in MUSE?
In documentationsection _9.3.7. Agents_, under _Objective1_, it says that an agent can use "comfor…
The current tech tree is very disorganized, hard to follow and lacks clear goals for the player to pursue. This causes players to become lose sight of what they are supposed to do and as a result they…
Within the `technologies_config.yaml` file for new GreenHEART, how should we delineate between different instances of the same technology? @genevievestarke originally asked this.
E.g. we have multi…
In general, and considering the different types of technologies (storage, converter, transport), what costs are we interested in? I don't mean for a specific technology (e.g. `capex_eaf_casting` for s…
### Summary
Enhance the hover effect on the technology stack icons to display their original, colorful logos instead of the current blue tint. This change will provide a more visually appealing and b…
## Isfahan University of Technology
**GRSciColl URL**: https://www.gbif.org/grscicoll/institution/b992b0e7-d743-4509-91b6-e2b7374c6358
**Code**: `IUT`
**Homepage**: http://www.iut.ac.ir
**Fuzzy name s…
Hi. This is a very useful tool. I'm wondering if this tool can be applied to Parse Biosciences scRNAseq technology. Are you thinking about doing a tutorial about this? Thank you very much.
[CÔNG NGHỆ SỬ DỤNG.docx](https://github.com/NhapMonCNPhanMemDeTai3/BaiTapLonNMCNPM/files/78743/CONG.NGH.S.D.NG.docx)
Synthetic monitoring, also known as synthetic testing, is a method used in web monitoring to simulate end-user behavior and interactions with a website or web application. The goal is to test the perf…