Some users in Canada, have told me they started to be disconnected from Telegram whether it's on broadband or mobile services. Given the current event(https://here.news/story/c5264194?ver=0.14 ), the …
Hello again. It would be great if you could implement discord or telegram message scraper. I dont know which is faster to deliver messages, but in my case, i get the Telegram messages the fastest. mau…
Today TLS FAKE has blocked in Iran, and we can't connect to telegram proxy. Also, another VPN that worked with the TLS protocol doesn't work. What's your solution for that?
why are you using pyrogram that is not maintained since a year and it doesn't support catch up (aka you loose messages when the bot is offline)?
#### Problem description:
Since we have a lot of issues and requests for making utilities to get, handle and process telegram updates, we need to create separate subsystem for it. It must be splitt…
shadow-tls的设计已经过时,Telegram MTProto FakeTLS已经采用过这种设计,而且更为完善
I'm trying to develope a command line Java client for send message to other telegram users, but I cannot find how to configure my App id and my primary data center. As far as I know, these are the two…
i've installed telegram cli on my raspberry pi with raspbian stretch. i changed "assert" to "//assert" in the file "tgl/mtproto-utils.c" and used this
`./configure --disable-openssl`
Something to consider.
There's modified API gateway https://github.com/tdlight-team/tdlight-telegram-bot-api that supports additional methods only available in MTProto originally.
I think it could b…
At key creation time, I get te following error:
Telegram-cli version 1.4.1, Copyright (C) 2013-2015 Vitaly Valtman
Telegram-cli comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show_license'.