# Plateforme de Stewart
Je suis tombé sur cette vidéo (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4OmVLc_oDw) et j’ai trouvé que la plateforme de Stewart est un projet idéal pour notre P19. Ça pourrait être …
I'm using the MicroCore but this PicoCore sounds interesting.
Will it support all the Arduino language constructs? Rhetorical question, I shall find out in due course,no doubt. When it's done I'll…
By default, simavr wouldn't build on my laptop. I've got [CrossPack-AVR](http://www.obdev.at/products/crosspack/index.html) providing my avr toolchain, and libelf etc. installed from homebrew (into /u…
I cannot find any info about the status of compatibility with ARM and particularly ATSAMD (M0, M4). I was considering to use a trinket M0 instead of attiny85. Would that be possible?
I can't find any binary file after the compilation is finished..
Can someone give some help ?
Soy Felix. Te felicito por este proyecto. Estoy muy interesado en el. He comprado todos los materiales. Mande a hacer los boards (20 en mi caso para usar 16) y he tenido que doblar los pi…
It appears that dev_config.h is referenced by features.h (and elsewhere, I believe), but it not included here in the repo. Where do I find him?
I'm a bit confused about diferent encoder pinout in FreqCal.ino and ATTINY85RotEncCode.ino
is there a diferent hardware pinout for FreqCal and for the Main program?
I am up to design an encoder…
I have the HC-SR04 ultrasonic module on the crius AIO v2 and I'm trying to mess with your code to try make it work but no luck :/
On your 2.9.1b addons it works good but I have the mottor twitch bug …
Test results from AVR128DB48, a flagship modern AVR
This went on a bit longer than I intended.
**The data**
| Wire Clock | Pullups | F_CPU | Fill time | Notes |