- [ ] **Yak Shaving**
- _WIP Issue_: `08 -- TodoMVC, Part 2 -- YOUR NAME`
- _WIP Branch_:
- `TIY-TodoMVC:08--todo-mvc-2`
- _WIP Files_:
- `TIY-Assignments`
- `NestedAccordion`: `…
- [x] **Yak Shaving**
- _WIP Issue_: `08 -- TodoMVC, Part 2 -- YOUR NAME`
- _WIP Branch_:
- `TIY-TodoMVC:08--todo-mvc-2`
- _WIP Files_:
- `TIY-Assignments`
- `NestedAccordion`: `…
# Purpose [TODO MVC](http://todomvc.com) Addition
Because the TODO MVC in #89 is far cleaner tan the one on TODOMVC website. This is the version that better suites ``.
- [x] - Follow [TODO List App…
## Requirements
- _WIP Issue:_ `18 -- Hello jQuery`
- _WIP Branch:_
- \* [x] `TIY-Assignments:feature/18--hello-jquery`
- \* [ ] `TIY-TodoMVC:master`
- **What's in a Form?**
- *[ ] start with H5…
## Requirements
- _WIP Issue:_ `18 -- Hello jQuery`
- _WIP Branch:_
- `TIY-Assignments:feature/18--hello-jquery`
- `TIY-TodoMVC:master`
- **What's in a Form?**
- start with H5BP
- overwrite `p…
## Requirements
- _WIP Issue:_ `18 -- Hello jQuery`
- _WIP Branch:_
- `TIY-Assignments:feature/18--hello-jquery`
- `TIY-TodoMVC:master`
- **What's in a Form?**
- start with H5BP
- overwrite `p…
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Config Migration Needed
- […
React.renderComponent --> React.render
React.renderComponentToString --> React.renderToString