#### For ssl enabled MongoDB, we can connect MongoDB using naked pymongo apis by passing [ssl=True, ssl_cert_reqs=ssl.CERT_NONE] in MongoClient constructor and same support is missing in djongo
Hi there,
I have a fresh K8's deployment trying to bring up gluster-kubernetes but failing stating Topology not found.
I enforced a verbose output but that gave no help:
The OAuth 2.0 token exchange specification - originally known as "OAuth 2.0 Token Exchange: an STS for the REST of us" - was finally standardized last year.
Note: OpenIddict 3.0 already supports th…
- (DONE) ~~Storage service - not wired up to Storm OutputBolt (ALEPH-41)~~
- (DONE) ~~Temporal service - does not delete data from elasticsearch on age (ALEPH-40)~~
- (DONE) ~~Storage service - does n…
There are recommended labels that should be applied to resources the operator creates. We should add these to the various statefulsets, services etc that the operator creates:
[k8s Labels](https://…
Justification: In and 10.3.3, there describes "boundary operation", but boundary is an attribute of Topology.
Proposal: change all(4 cases) the "boundary …
I continue working in the project, I solved a mistake with Quagga, it is working and the links is UP, this is my scenarie.
"lhs_intf": "sur1-eth2", "lhs_ip": "fdf0:0:0:2::2",
# Summary
RepoServer creates a tar gzip stream to CMP sidecars and currently allows optional excluded globs that can be useful for monorepos to reduce the size of the stream sent to the sidecar. We…