### Describe the bug
while container's still running, after a few connections to the container through the mapped port, orbstack stops listening to the mapped host port, as `sudo lsof -i -P -n| grep …
### Gloo Edge Product
Open Source
### Gloo Edge Version
### Kubernetes Version
### Describe the bug
[root@master ~]# glooctl check -n aiservice-gateway
Навскидку, что вспомнил из сделанного:
- таблицы всех перехватов тоже в константах;
- раскидано большое количество комментариев о причинах и необходимых действиях;
- по максимуму использовано имено…
/usr/lib/libtorrent-rasterbar.so.6 : boost::asio::basic_socket::close(boost::system::error_code&)+0x1f [0xb750d54f]
/usr/lib/libtorrent-rasterbar.so.6 : libtorrent::udp_socket::set_p…
configuration/listeners/udp_filters/udp_proxy must have access loging option. Can't enable visibility otherwise
I am not using tor, however, the DNS log shows that outgoing UDP connections are still being blocked.
I am using a socks5 proxy for outgoing traffic. I am also using the firewall, however the apps i…
## Problem description
When I try to create a new Chat Group that includes "external" SIP addresses using my Linphone clone app, I see that Flexisip Proxy forwards the SIP messages to my external S…
### What are you trying to do?
Get p2p performance when NAT-breakthrough doesnt work and DERP /tcp relay is too slow!
### How should we solve this?
tailscale proxy, to proxy, route udp traffi…
std proxy port for http
see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers
suggestion: something like 8180, 8280, or any other port that is not widely used for other applications
This would assist in passing forward the original requesting IP address instead …