I have some problem to run the script "Shoreline_detection_create_data.ipynb", regarding the "Import the data" section.
I created a training set downloading the images from the Water Research Laborat…
Back earlier this year, I studied a UNSW course that not only uses Moodle, but also is structured terribly (you'll never know what to do, and what marks have you likely lost, due to missing a weird PD…
## ISRU program survey
* MadeInSpace
* [Project RAMA](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56d9b0528259b560ad38cde1/t/58c1758a15d5db4620fbffdb/1490211480317/Project+RAMA+NIAC+Phase+I+Final+Rep…
I am not sure this is a bug or something else but the get_profile function will raise the NotFound exception whenever it tries to get the profiles like the following who has never set Facebook …
Dans le Prepod il est affiché en bas de l'écran à droite par exemple 1-50 sur 19494. Or le dernier enregistrement est l'ID 20118.
Remarque : à moins que le décompte des 19494, soient les effectifs ex…
Hi Anna,
I have met two issues when using your R package to deal with Fluxnet data. I am totally new to this dataset, and my questions might be very naive. Thanks for your patience and understandin…
One of the greatest limitations in EHD adherence research is the lack of doses, or durations of supply in many data sets. Having the ability to calculate durations of supply using either the forwards …
Using Xorg with the Composite extension
\(just having the 3 lines in your xorg.conf file, no using
xcompmgr or anything else\) the slit is badly broken:
No matter where you have it set…
As above.
After using the third possible way of getting latex to talk to sagetex from here: http://www.sagemath.org/doc/installation/sagetex.html
The example code inside the sagetex folder produc…
- displaying the inferred modes in the card in a way that doesn't confuse users - when we only had diary, we heard from some people who were confused about what those were, especially if they were inc…