Auto mining is started while vBitcoin not synced yet
> getdebuginfo
Running several checks, this may take a few moments...
"information": [
"SUCCESS - SPV connection…
Seeing a lot of socket timeout warnings on the APM console (after 1-4 retries it is succesfull most of the time):
2020-06-10 15:30:13 pop-tasks- WARN ApmTaskService - Error submitt…
listoperations does not show more than 50 operations, is there a way to see all of them or at least all that are running (not paid yet)?
When a PoP operation is started it checks if another operation is already running by trying to aquire a lock. It turns out that this is not always the best solution. Maybe it's possible to add a check…
When you forget to set the payout address, which is by default set to a placeholder text, a long warning
`2020-07-11 10:52:29 main WARN PluginService - Unable to load plugin vbt…
When the APM is started twice, an error occurs. This makes sense, but maybe it's possible to show the user a message which tells what's wrong (probably the miner started twice).
2020-07-13 14:…
Creating the endorsement VBK transaction failed. Apparently my Nodecore was busy or inresponsive for a while. It looks like there's a timeout of just 2 seconds, isn't that a bit short? The result is t…
I noticed a node being almost 10 blocks behind. Now and then a block is added but the node seems not to be able to catch up to the tip again. In the mean time the APM tries and retries to call the sub…
May I suggest to remove the brackets from this message, because it's making it easier to prevent a mistake where someones could copy the ] and it makes it a bit easier to copy the address.
vBitcoin syncing takes are while at the moment. If you start an APM (for example with running operations) the miner is marked as ready despite being connected to a vBitcoin node which is not done sync…