I would like to see all instances of `VP_PROJECT_ROOT . '/.git'` replaced with a configurable constant. I have a hosting provider that hosts VCS repos in a completely separate location, a folder not n…
We depend on packages like `phpmyadmin/sql-parser` or `symfony/process`, which we manage by Composer.
The problem is that if other plugins use this approach as well (which is increasingly likely, e…
# temp dir
get temp dir from php function:
As I have started working on Gravity Form integration, I noticed they are not using php serialization to hold large amounts of data in a table field but are using JSON. Possibly handle this the same a…
Since v2, we support **clones** of the site / repo. We should also support **local branches**, i.e., branching and merging in the same site / repo.
We currently only run end2end tests with the WP-CLI driver, see [here](https://github.com/versionpress/versionpress/blob/b9e6cc356d4377819e5e65512da5af71562a7ecf/plugins/versionpress/tests/test-config…
Is it an idea to replace to git bin with a native PHP implementation of Git? That way, Git doesn't have to be installed on the host (which is a problem sometimes)
Lars- updated
7 years ago
We should support [WordPress Multisite](http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network) one day.
The main question is how to physically split the sites in the network. Should they have separate Git repo…
When image (attachment) is uploaded and inserted into post, special class `wp-image-{ID}` is automatically applied.
_This is an imported issue, original reference WP-161, created on 04 Nov 2014._
Have a "hide this" button next to each change. Details to be discussed.