* Subject: Vitocal 242-S - Vitotronic 200 (WO1C)
* Wiki-Page: Vies-sion
* From: ssschnorcher
* Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2016 21:41:07 UT
* Message-ID:
ich habe mich heute wieder auf die Homepage g…
## Sumár
**Žiadaná suma**: **`1 XMR`**
## Odvedená práca
- eventy od januára 2023 po august 2023:
- AI výstava
- AI meetup 1, 2, 3
- Stable diffusion workshop
- Vojdi von - nie len mysľou 1…
Como sabemos a luta continua e será muito árdua.
Acho que precisamos trazer os maiores expoentes/professores de cada área para criarmos um Manifesto lógico onde possa elencar todos os tópicos que d…
I've notice the (1) Validator throws a Uncaught Exception PHP Error below, when Member State Service is not available, while (2) Service page at http://ec.europa.eu/taxation_customs/vies/vat…
Are these the same?
Title: Liber superiorumseu Historia Monastica
Thomas of Marga. Liber superiorum seu Historia Monastica (Paris and Leipzig: Dicta de Sèvres; Harrassowitz, 1901)Matches:1. (title) L…
# Todo
# Modules to migrate
- [x] account_asset_management - By @RodrigoBM - #1479
- [ ] account_asset_management_menu
Right now it looks like this:
![skaermbillede 2015-06-18 kl 06 29 23](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/148026/8224224/c77e2fe2-1583-11e5-827d-7cf6d46b03c6.png)
Bolo by fajn mat z pohladu rozvoja/udrzby portalu checklisty (ako github wiki? / issue template?) minimalne pre:
- vytvorenie noveho navodu
- vytvorenie novej aplikacie
- pravidelne (povedzme ra…
nejde preview najnovsej verzie hodnotenia z platformy,
hlasi parser failure.
### Description (*)
Northern Ireland has special rules sins the Brexit. For what I understand, it is like for some tax rules they still belong to the EU and are not part of the UK. They got there…