I feel like I am missing something.
Mix: 6.0.11
Laravel: ^7.0
Sass-loader: 9.0.3
So I got this template from a company, and they were using the vue-cli-builder. I tried to move it over to larav…
[vue-class-component: using mixins](https://github.com/vuejs/vue-class-component#using-mixins)
### vue & vue-i18n version
vue-i18n v8.11.2
### Reproduction Link
any SSR usage
## Question
In line
https://github.com/kazupon/vue-i18n/blob/master/src/mixin.js#L58 a new object is cr…
There are currently a number of panels that have a select box used to select the subpanels.
When a panel layout is changed/loaded/saved, the dashboard must be informed, and the code that does that …
I want to create showError and showSuccess notifications one time and use its as a global mixin:
notifications: {
showError: {
title: 'Attention!',
message: …
`index.vue` is unable to correctly use the BaseInput mixin because of this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33505992/babel-6-changes-how-it-exports-default
In order to make it work I have to chan…
"100%" label has different margin (textMargin) relatively a chart than others:
**Current behavior**
On the initial build, after running `vue-styleguidist server`, everything runs without error. But as soon as something is changed, I get a whole bunch of Typescript errors.
As a Vue.js user, I use the mixin pattern quite often, it would be nice to support this tag, for example:
* @mixin
const HelloMixin = {
* Greeting!
* @para…
"vue": "^3.2.24",
"vue-class-component": "^8.0.0-0",
name: "Common"
export default class Common extends Vue {