### What is the problem this feature will solve?
The crypto library currently lacks a generic key derivation function similar to [OpenSSL's `EVP_KDF` methods](https://wiki.openssl.org/index.php/EVP_K…
I'm trying to bundle the PageSigner [pgsg-node.js](https://github.com/tlsnotary/pagesigner/blob/master/webextension/content/pgsg-node/pgsg-node.js) (written in NodeJS) using browserify, such that I ca…
function createAndSaveAKeyPair() {
return window.crypto.subtle.generateKey(
name: "RSA-OAEP",
modulusLength: 2048,
publicExponent: new Uint8Array([1, …
- **Package Name**: @azure/event-hubs, @azure/service-bus
- **Package Version**: ^5.8.0, ^7.7.3
- **Operating system**: macOS Sonoma
- [x] **nodejs**
- **version**: v20.15.0
- [x] **react-nat…
There is a need to store keys in the browser in a secure way, avoiding plaintext options like `localStorage`.
Brave Wallet supports only Ethereum signing options. But there is more potential, eg: h…
The branch on which PR https://github.com/typelevel/bobcats/pull/48 is located, used the browser dom web crypto API to get going (in order to make the task more manageable). Node JS uses the same Web …
Add support for chacha20-poly1305 in addition to AES-GCM.
I'm trying to bundle the PageSigner [pgsg-node.js](https://github.com/tlsnotary/pagesigner/blob/master/webextension/content/pgsg-node/pgsg-node.js) (written in NodeJS) using browserify, such that I ca…
Our goal is to make the API hard to use incorrectly. For the `HmacSecretKey` class we would want to validate the properties on `importJsonWebKey` against imported JWK to reduce the risk of accidentall…
I am not able to use `RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5` keys to sign data. I wrote up a simple test to demonstrate the issue:
The `signTest()` fun…