The problem I am having is with the scanned plot the colors are not uniform. I pick a color but have to pick the correct hue. With the mouse it takes some time to move it precisely. This can be accom…
## Terminal Stuff
* [x] `$ brew upgrade bat fzf git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn`
* [x] `$ replug`
* [x] `$ asdf update && asdf plugin-update --all && asdf reshim`
* [x] `$…
Dear authors, thanks for this useful tool. I have tried using it with a script to fetch data from thousands of images and thus with nodejs. As suggested in the readme, I changed the path to the "wpd_n…
Hi there. I'd like to digitize the image attached below. However it seems impossible to get the cross-hairs to be centered on the top left corner of the plot.
I hope that this is a simple one. Can you please add documentation of how to serve WebPlotDigitizer from a different server than the included go server? The instructions could perhaps as simple as "…
## Terminal Stuff
* [x] `$ brew upgrade bat fzf git heroku hokusai hub macvim the_silver_searcher tmux yarn`
* [x] `$ replug`
* [x] `$ asdf update && asdf plugin-update --all && asdf reshim`
* […
Can I have the solution/equations for the startup.png so I can see how well webplotdigitizer work's?
I've captured the data from that png and I have tried to recreate the plot, using that image as a …
Measurements avaialbe at:
I own an Onkyo A800 headphone and it doesn't being supported by AutoEQ. So I made a CSV file using WebPlotDigitizer, plotting the graph based on the frequency response I got from [here](https://cdn.he…
In my data cleaning workflow, I often receive or extract data that should come from a limited set of values. The challenge is that the actual data doesn't have those values within. Most commonly, th…