Since yesterday evening most of my rules using this addon, updated to the last version are not working, I see this error in the logs a lot of times
2022-11-11 09:43:50.090 INFO : date-time-adapte…
i had the date time adapter version 1.2.1 currently installed,
i also have removed and resintalled it but still version 1.2.1
i looked at the date time adapter repo and the addon-list repo
Following the steps on https://www.candlesmarthome.com/controller, could not open Candle Manager page from menu. Logs show
2020-12-25 23:32:57.198 ERROR : Candle-manager-addon: Traceback (most …
After belatedly realizing that my pi was ARMv8 and only being identified as ARMv7l because Raspbian is only 32bit, I reimaged it with Ubuntu Server 20.10. Installed webthings-gateway (which was fine).…
Shaav updated
2 years ago
This could very well be a bug in the Candle code, but I thought I'd share since I can't imagine how the minute differences in Candle could have caused this.
In the screenshot below you can see how …
When attempting initial setup, compilation fails when attempting to configure the `Candle_receiver` . WebThings logs show the following
2021-03-09 23:22:24.829 INFO : Candle-manager-addon: …
I've followed your instructions to create a Spotify App with Client ID and Client Secret, added the correct redirect URL and was then asked by the Add-on to open the following page:
I was listening to the PING review of this spec today, and apologies if I haven't understood the space deeply enough to make a good contribution. I noticed that https://www.w3.org/TR/wot-thing-descrip…
Hello there,
i've spent the whole day trying to figure out this error and i can't seem to track why it's happening:
`Error calling API handler: TypeError: rsp.getStatus is not a function`
how to …
I’m getting an error with the Z-Wave adapter on Candle 2.0.0 RC3:
> Failed to start add-on Z-Wave: The module ‘/home/pi/.webthings/addons/zwave-adapter/node_modules/@serialport/bindings/build/Relea…