How does Weex communicate with a server?
Would you be interested in building in a GraphQL API or can one be added? This would allow the weex components to have the data query definitions within them…
目前仅支持在 `.we` 文件内 `require('@weex-module/modal')` 这样的内置模块的加载,如果在 `.we` 文件内 `require` 的 js 模块内部,有 `require('@weex-module/modal')` 这样内置模块的加载,就会报错:
wx-car ➤ weex debug src/pages/search/index.we --qr …
2016/07/06, 第八循环第五次, 总第四十期 -> @LukeXuan (由 @at15 代理)
- [x] @at15
- [ ] @swaylq
- [x] @arrowrowe
- [x] @ComMouse
- [ ] @LukeXuan
windows7 cmd cd weex-master , then excute npm install
> weex@0.4.0 postinstall C:\work\weex-master
> npm run install:js-framework && npm run install:h5-render && npm run install:g
> ithooks
> wee…
On with the Installtest with logging.
executing command: apt-get update
Hit http://security.ubuntu.com trusty-security InRelease
Ign http://archive.ubuntu.com trusty InRelease
Ign http:…