**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.**
When a search is made and you are zoomed to the object the zoom level is quite zoomed out for us which isn´t always desirable.
Put together an example which illustrates some of the uses of the temperature (or salinity)-space WMT diagnostics.
The lowest hanging fruit would be plotting the global internal heat content budget…
## Computing WMT in the most efficient way possible
This is a heavy computation. What is the least intensive way to compute WMT from model output?
Watermass transformation is computed as ([Abern…
When trying to test our on-demand preview functionality via Vito's secondary service I run into a few issues. I think the service is not working anymore. Amongst other's I ran into an expired certific…
**maptalks's version and what browser you use?**
**Issue description**
Add WFS and WMTS support
Od jakiegoś czasu nie ładują mi się warstwy hipsometrii i cieniowania z narzędzia do szybkiego ładowania. Otrzymuję nastepujący komunikat:
Recette #54 : ajout du widget d'import de données et services
Benchmark with WMT machine translation dataset so that the performance of the library can be evaluated and compared with other implementations.
En essayant de faire fonctionner mviewer avec le service WMTS de osm.geopicardie.fr, je me suis rendu compte que mviewer s'attend à trouver des identifiants de matrixset particuliers :
'EPSG:3857', 'E…
I am unable to load WMTS layers from [OpenAerialMap](https://openaerialmap.org/), I am not sure this depends on MapStore 2 or not.
It is worth doing an investigation as some time. [Here](https://ti…