I currently extract first row and column of my worksheet by parsing through the cells, but I would like to limit the file reading so only needed data (first column and/or row) is extracted.
This looks like a great tool but I am unable to get it to work. I followed the instructions exactly, including setting the correct reference to "Microsoft VBA for Applications Extensibility 5.3" and …
### Normal
[This folder](https://github.com/ozonos/ozon-icon-theme/tree/master/Ozon/48x48/mimetypes) contains some placeholder mimes that should be replaced before first release.
- [x] application-ta…
How to properly load this for onto webpage?
This way doesn't work. What is the **dist** in this link? Can anybody give me the full link to fork lib?
您好, 我在STM32F412的板子上使用该软件包进行bmp280读取测试, 发现读出的数据和我用bmp085相差较大(bmp280为95, bmp085为103, 且bmp085为以前的量产产品), 为做验证, 我用裸机直接写了个驱动, 读取的数值与bmp085一致, 故猜测问题应该发生在该软件包内, 但我尚未发现问题所在.
不知是我使用不正确, 还是有其他原因, 是否有其他攻城狮遇到过?
The README specifically states:
> Only first 262 bytes representing the max file header is required, so you can just pass a slice
I've tried this out and it works fine for all files except MS Of…
I wanted to check the extension and return the mime types for files with extensions like .xlsx, .xls, etc. But whenever I am trying to detect it using from_string() function, it is returning .docx as …
After letting the Degu unit run on battery power for an extended period, the Degu unit shuts itself down itself due to low battery (output says ~2.2V, read using the [battery example code](https://git…
A crash occurred while running DrMemory on a 32 bit application running on Windows 7 (64 bit).
I have been unable to reproduce it.
Application scripter.exe (74804…
**Affected tool:**
**Describe the bug**
during the build if the setup.py test is executed it fails with the tests/olevba/test_basic.py
From the testing directory tests/test-data/excel4-m…