I'm new to viewer. I'm looking for a markup/comment solution for viewer.js. I understand the old crocodoc version of veiwer had this capability.
本地文件路径为 file://D:\oflineFileCache\2023-04-06\部署mysql数据库.docx
private boolean allowPreview(String urlPath) {
try {
URL url = WebUtils.normalizedURL(urlP…
In Silverstripe 4, I have a problem where the upload/replace feature doesn’t automatically update the filename in the ‘filename’ field. If I upload a file with a different name and then update the fil…
When importing an Excel sheet (.xlsx) with a date column, the dates in the ingested .tab file are converted to large numbers ([roughly corresponding to the days since January 1, 1900](http://www.cpear…
Excel files(.XLSX) files are not displaying properly if the excel file is having blank cells in the starting row and column
Please fill in the form to submit an exercise question. Please state the question under `Question` section. Please try to be as specific as possible when describing the problem. In `hint` chunk, you c…
Since the newest Version 0.1.10 the office-app ONLYOFFICE for Nextcloud doesn't work anymore. Opening an ms office file (docx, pptx, xlsx) results in an popup message „Editor-Version wurde aktualisier…
Use the following code:
xlnt::workbook wb;
xlnt::worksheet ws = wb.active_sheet();
ws.cell("B2").value("string data");
Uploaded files that are not images should also generate a sensible preview asset, such as a thumbnail of the first page of a PDF, type specimen for font files, etc.
### What version of Bun is running?
### What platform is your computer?
Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.22631.0 x64
### What steps can reproduce the bug?
bun install
bun run serve
### Wha…