I have tried to reproduce the result of ResNet-18 in your table which is:
Model | Version | Acc@1 | Acc@5
-- | -- | -- | --
ResNet18 | Pytorch | 70.142 | 89.274
However, I only get Ac…
I used the `spec2nii` command to generate sidecar files for Siemens dicom MRS data. I three types single-voxel MRS files: `_ref` (water reference file), `_ECC` (eddy current corrected), and `_noE…
Dear SparseEventID team, after an certain number of iterations in the training process I received an error message "Segmentation fault (core dumped)". I am working on CentOS 7 in a cluster, and the c…
1.1 Internal Message Details
Internal Message:
Test Plan: ACC SAP Kyma runtime 2024
Message Priority: Medium
Affected Check Point: ACC-270.1
Affected UI: Search Field
Short text: ACC-270.1(L…
1.1 Internal Message Details
Internal Message:
Test Plan: ACC SAP Kyma runtime 2024
Message Priority: Medium
Affected Check Point: ACC-271.1
Affected UI: Check Box
Short text: ACC-271.1 (Lev…
1.1 Internal Message Details
Internal Message:
Test Plan: ACC SAP Kyma runtime 2024
Message Priority: Medium
Affected Check Point: ACC-264.1
Affected UI: Code Editor
Short text: ACC-264.1 (L…
> [Godbolt link (includes this and another buggy example)](https://godbolt.org/#g:!((g:!((g:!((h:codeEditor,i:(filename:'1',fontScale:14,fontUsePx:'0',j:1,lang:rust,selection:(endColumn:1,endLineNum…
I saving cookies via `getCookies()` function
When I try to restore then, I getting an error `"Error: First argument to setCookie must be a Cookie object or string"`
I downgraded version of `tough-co…
Val_acc is 90%, but I use validation set used during training to test the model, the acc is only 40% or less, why
llsra updated
2 years ago
Thanks for providing the model.
I'm a beginner who recently used your released model for evaluation testing on the I-RAVEN dataset. I achieved an accuracy of 73.47%, whereas you reported an accurac…