## Welcome to the VSA Program (start date: 6/21/21)
Welcome! This issue will be used to track your onboarding to the VSA Program.
## Pre-Onboarding
**Operation Lead Tasks**
- [x] Send Welcome…
As a specialist or analyst, the Assign to and Compliance fields are useless when if the Target State (status) field doesn't get changed. No new workflow transition is saved. Ideally those fields would…
As a business analyst, I would like to see an HTML report showing all orders that have not been paid for yet.
* Order Id
* Customer name
* Total cost of all items on the order
As a budget analyst, I want to analyze my income separately from my expenses, so that I can focus on them independently.
Problem: Currently income and expenses are interwoven.
Solution: Split al…
I may be missing it, but I don't see how to add an attribute to that event via the Splunk adaptive response action (as one might within an ES notable)
I see the option to create a MISP event and th…
## Icon Request
* Icon name: Kaggle
* Tags of this icon:
* Use case: For Data Analy…
Update: www.mostpros.com/nl/career
Figma design update: https://www.figma.com/design/vF2Op4iOCX4Rzoonq9a5Tb/Mostpros?node-id=4444%3A17373&t=FzKgFiyjcOc6E9Zy-1
Job descriptions: https://docs.google.c…
**User Story**
AS A marketing analyst
I WANT to see referral traffic
SO THAT I can adapt strategy to convert more leads
**Acceptance Criterea**
GIVEN I am an authenticated user
WHEN I request …
I, as Jacob M. Hope, as an analyst would like to be able to analyze traffic information WITHOUT exposing sensitive user data or identifying users directly to ensure the app is correctly working for ou…
### Description
I'm following this how to documentation to start on hierarchical process
I had to add kickoff call to make…