Comments for https://www.endpointdev.com/blog/2014/07/interactive-highlighting-and/
By Steph Skardal
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I am working on making a wind rose figure using the `openair` package. How can I increase the legend text font size, legend title font size, and left-align the legend title?
``` r
Hello guys,
is there any way, how to call any functions right after using some methods in storage plug in?
I would like to show the people some notice div, that their annotation has been succesfully s…
We have Pecha images from BDRC of Nyingma Gybum with Peytsuk font or scripts, we need to create those into training data to do so we have to do:
- OCR the images, use OCR output to get t…
Have you managed to get the coref annotator to work? I'm seeing the image silently crashing when I bring up the GUI and add the coref annotator. Using latest corenlp, built as you suggest.
No crash…
cbrew updated
7 months ago
It would be great if we'd have a way to detect performance regressions through zio-test.
Simplest way would be to simply annotate a test like `@@ TestAspect.expectDuration(200.millis, 25.millis)` (e.…
**#URI_CHECKED:#** y
**#VERSION_YML:#** No changes.
**#AUTHOR_YML_CHECKED:#** No changes.
**#BOOK_YML_CHECKED:#** y: title transcribed
For AnnotatedCode, if you make a comment like:
def f(x):
# comment with *bold text*
if x: return True
else: return False
You will get the string `comment with *bold text*` in the…
[PDF Generated by pre-1.0 version of MarkDown PDF.pdf](https://github.com/yzane/vscode-markdown-pdf/files/2322176/PDF.Generated.by.pre-1.0.version.of.MarkDown.PDF.pdf)
[PDF Generated by 1.2.0 version…
Enhancement request.
One of the really nice things about Fireshot is that you can add a callout -
some text in a box that has an arrow pointing to the part of the screen you are
trying to annot…