## Environment
- Docker image: promregator/promregator:0.5.7
- Cloud Foundry platform API version: 2.112.0)
## Summary / Problem Statement
Permit in configuration file to define multiple applica…
## Describe the bug
Enabling the prometheus metrics exporter with "http_path" label makes the scrapping way too slow (more than 30s to scrap the data). When…
Hey, I see some questions related to tracing on my app. I have 2 services - Service1 is using Spring Boot 3.1.6 with SL4J/Logback.
I use DataDog as a Java agent (latest version) and added following…
Vulnerable Library - spring-boot-starter-actuator-2.7.1.jar
Path to dependency file: /pom.xml
Path to vulnerable library: /home/wss-scanner/.m2/repository/org/springframework/boot/spring-boot-actua…
In my application, I have created a histogram to track a downstream rest service call. On my Kube cluster, when I do port forwarding and check the actuator/prometheus metrics, I can see them being l…
The entire metrics issue is implemented in another .py file and is imported when used in a flask route to check its metrics. Additionally, custom metrics were created using lambdas and these memory lo…
AHVG updated
10 months ago
**### Title: Model Evaluation and Comparison for Loan Prediction**
This issue pertains to the implementation and evaluation of various machine learning models for predicting loa…
# User Story
## Story
As a _end user_
I want _to see the relative ranking of my decision outcomes_
so that _I can make a more informed decision about what I want to do next_.
## Accep…
### Checklist
- [X] I have searched the [existing issues](https://github.com/streamlit/streamlit/issues) for similar feature requests.
- [X] I added a descriptive title and summary to this issue.
### Description
While upgrading connexion from 2.x to 3.x, we found the previous ConnexionPrometheusMetrics from prometheus_flask_exporter is not working. I have not found any way to integrate promet…