When writing a document with a lot of tables or formatting needs I believe markdown is sometimes not enough. Looking for alternatives I found that, without reaching the complexity of latex, restructur…
I have bibtex file that is generated with link to pdf document (jabref and papers-cli generate it). Is it any opportunity to bind key for opening it while I search it in telescope... ?
Add the option to export a citation to bibtex/Zotero etc.
Here's a number of characters I had in my bibtex that weren't recognized by the library:
- \` (backtick),
- `–` (en dash),
- `«»` (French quotes),
- `№` (numero sign).
Does that means these cha…
I think it would be useful if there was a (POST) endpoint, e.g. `/api/batch`, where several queries could be batched together. Similar to how the page [BiblioTools: Generating Your Bibliography](https…
Currently Hayagriva converts all page numbers to integers before using them in the bibliography. This is a problem because many journals these days don't number their pages sequentially and include l…
[bibutils](https://sourceforge.net/p/bibutils/home/Bibutils/) is a commonly used converter, which can help citeproc-py users as it assists converting records to bib for importing into citeproc-py.
- http://www.docear.org/2012/08/08/docear4word-mapping-bibtex-fields-and-types-with-the-citation-style-language/
- https://github.com/citation-style-language/schema/blob/master/csl-data.jso…
Hi there,
The plugin does this although I have edited the language to swedish in the desktop version.
[1.] Bor{\aas Stad}. (2017) {\"{O}versiktsplan f{\"{o}}r Bor{\aa}s. Samr{\aa}dshandling}, Un…