2019/01/29 13:00:40 - ERROR PHP NOTICE in Plugin 'routerconfigs': Undefined index: checkendinconfig in file: /var/www/localhost/htdocs/cacti/plugins/routerconfigs/functions.php on line: 624
Using latest from git:
2019/02/16 22:52:25 - CMDPHP PHP ERROR NOTICE Backtrace: (/plugins/thold/thold_graph.php[55]:tholds(), /plugins/thold/thold_graph.php[482]:CactiErrorHandler())
Thold added 'expression' column to thold_data and thold_templates table since v0.4.4, but missed to add it into function 'thold_upgrade_database'
1. Access graph under preview mode
2. create a thold by icon
3. click 'save' button
4. check cacti.log:
2019/02/25 22:48:56 - DBCALL ERROR: SQL Save Failed for Table 'thold_data'. SQL:'…
New error on browser:
Warning: array_reverse() expects parameter 1 to be array, boolean given in /var/www/cacti/plugins/intropage/include/data.php on line 1207
Warning: Invalid argument suppl…
I'm still new with CHEF so I may be reporting something that is actually a non bug.
The PID file that the agent creates by default is /var/run/zabbix/zabbix-agent.pid , but the configuration file has…
I'm putting the idea here, it would help me discover any clients "leeching" bandwidth (who said Windows 10 peering ?? nvidia shield loop updates ?? etc.).
=> to have a "per client" monitoring of th…
![screen shot 01-30-19 at 09 16 am](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/42470924/51987963-8d2dbc80-2471-11e9-9824-29bc43ff27f2.PNG)
Not sure if this is already part of issue #66 but would it be possible to have a way to output stats for a period of time instead of accumulative stats (say every 5min or so)?
Reason I would apprecia…