All relevant names for e.g. entities/properties should not contain special characters that need escaping. The most important special character is the space. So instead of "Event series" "EventSeries" …
This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the [Dependency Dashboard](https://docs.renovatebot.com/key-concepts/dashboard/) docs to learn more.
## Config Migration Needed
- […
This is either a configuration issue or a parsing issue. I keep getting these errors:
When preparing technical documents, camelCase words occur often. Therefore if the spell checker could be customized to recognize them as multiple words, instead of a single word, then it would be very…
``` livescript
# Given a cursor where a key is defined with dashes
data = arch.cursor do
name-with-dashes: 'value'
# Trying to grab the name using a string with dashes will not work, because
# alt…
so my mysql columns are under_score, my privates in the entity as $under_score and so my getters and setters are setCamelCase and getCamelCase...
So encryp/decrypt doesnt work because of https://gith…
The column `condition_within` should be in the csv outputs when one or more within variables are used.
The within variables names stored in `condition_within` SHOULD be in camelCase separated by …
API НБРБ застрял в прошлом веке. [Точка входа](https://web.archive.org/web/20170401080036/http://www.nbrb.by/APIHelp/ExRates) или http://www.nbrb.by/APIHelp/ExRates сегодня.
1. нет ссылки на полный…
html attributes are always lower case, hence why they tend to kebab-case, so you can tell the words apart. If you stick a camelCase prop on a web-component tag in react, it gets forced to lowercase, a…
https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/style specifies naming conventions:
> Use CamelCase (with an initial capital) for message names – for example, SongServerRequest.
> Use under…