Here is the link to crystallographic point groups
However, we also need to take care of those non crystallographic point groups,
**URL**: https://g1.globo.com/carros/noticia/prova-da-baliza-para-tirar-cnh-ficara-mais-dificil-com-2-manobras-obrigatorias.ghtml
**Browser / Version**: Firefox 60.0
**Operating System**: Linux
Somos 1 grupo composto por 5 empresas que atuam no segmento de Tecnologia de trânsito, estamos presente em quase todos os estados do Brasil, temos 30 anos de mercado e, estamos crescendo agressivament…
Precisamos de duas tabelas/entidades:
- [x] Uma listagem de documentos requeridos, com dois campos: `name` e `type`... onde `type` seria `personal` ou `guarantor` (essas duas coisas podem ficar em …
Hello there, thanks for the great lib !
I've just started using React but I'm getting the following error:
when I tried to create a document, I had an error because I sent this object:
"forecastID": "XXXX",
"color": "green",
"name": "CNH: CDFS Support 2016",
Susi server provides us data in the form of a list. The response should also focus on displaying such data along with the response. It must show it in the form of a bulleted list. Susi shows the type …
Goodmorning everyone,
I have an authentication problem with my account, through the Coinbase.com API.
I tell you what's happening to me:
- I opened a private account on Coinbase.com,
- I creat…
I suggest adding the offshore Chinese Yuan - CNH (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Renminbi).
It might be a bit non-standard, but e.g. [this service](https://github.com/spk/money-open-exchange-rates) do…