For json-ld it could be jsonschema docs instead... then people can generate their own client very easily. Most of languaguages have json schema libs which allow to generate code and models based on th…
Now that the mapping wiki has 50 languages (2015-08, some of them machine-generated mappings), it would be very useful to restrict search to some selected languages.
When I search for a property, I'd …
i have tried to run the service through the url 'http://localhost:8080/api/execTask/', but inside the code, there would be send a POST request. Is there only need two parameters? 'id' and 'filedata'. …
We should have a check that all dates are `xsd:dateTime`.
This test should be applied on
- values of `schema:startDate`, `schema:endDate`, and `dct:date`
- literals with datatype `xsd:date`
Hi I'm trying to register a plugin using Yasgui. I have created a new instance of Yasgui and trying to register the gallery plugin or chart plugin but am unable to find the import for it ?
Following README instructions:
Step #0 (get okay ground truth classes):
For query - SELECT distinct ?superclass WHERE { dbo:PoliticalParty rdfs:subClassOf* ?s…
This library generates invalid turtle output:
a nif:OffsetBasedString , nif:Phrase ;
nif:anchorOf "the famous "covfefe" tweet" ;
- Neo4j 4.0.4
- neosemantics
Importing dpedia following this approach:
I get the following error in neo4-j-server/log…
Create an RDF model of the historians dataset.