Hi. Spun up an AWS GPU image (Deep Learning AMI (Ubuntu 18.04) Version 29.0 - ami-043f9aeaf108ebc37
MXNet-1.6.0, Tensorflow-2.1.0 & 1.15.2, PyTorch-1.4.0 & 1.5.0, Neuron, & other frameworks, NVIDIA C…
Hello, I am trying to use this with my custom dataset. I am using a dataloader (see here https://github.com/kevinzakka/recurrent-visual-attention/issues/18) though even when I cast my image input to F…
Hi guys,
I’m pretty new to this, so please forgive if I’m missing something obvious.
[I’ve posted to the mailing list because Tesseract sometimes confuses the digit 4 with a 9 in the material I’…
first of all, I am sorry for opeaning an issue as actually I just want to ask your opinion. Your library has helped me a lot, it is the one that gives me decent results (over tesseract, etc.…
Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-122-generic ppc64le)
tesseract -v
tesseract 4.0.0-beta.3-180-gab1f
libgif 5.1.4 : libjpeg 8d (libjpeg-turbo 1.4.2) : libpng 1.2.54 : lib…
I am using brain.js for digit-recognition (see: https://www.kaggle.com/c/digit-recognizer)
I am using brain.js like this:
new brain.NeuralNetwork(()
After successfully running the fingerprint function (for 5, 15 second songs) and seeing the database populated with the results, I run the recognition function with a 5 or 6 second sample of a sound t…
Is it possible to support recognising the following named entity formats from the UK?
- UK bank account details (sort codes, 6 digits, either 123456 or 12-34-56, and account numbers, always 8 digit…
```strategy = tf.distribute.experimental.MultiWorkerMirroredStrategy(communication=getattr(tf.distribute.experimental.CollectiveCommunication,'NCCL')) #RING WORK
with strategy.scope():
"had to restore the wallet from seed and check disable 2fa at end of the restore, now I can send bcc"