I've upgrade to latest 6.0.5, however it is breaking eslint for some reason, all JSX elements reports invalid token. When I downgrade back to 6.0.4 it works fine, maybe a potential bug somewhere?
### Steps to reproduce
1. Go to Personal Settings
2. Choose Upload Profile Picture
3. Upload Picture
### Expected behavior
Picture should upload in a few seconds, and website is refreshing
### Environment
#### Sonata packages
sonata-project/admin-bundle 3.20.1
sonata-project/block-bundle 3.3.2
sonata-project/cache 1.0.7
### Steps to reproduce
1. Install beta
2. Try to access poll app
### Expected behaviour
I want open the poll app
### Actual behaviour
- I can't open the poll app
- Internal Server …
when i execute this command the created site functions normally php app/console sonata:page:create-site but when i create it with the graphical interface it shows me this error
`Warning: get_class(…
In order to track all events for an entity, documentation states to setup configuration as below:
doctrine_entities :
the code getDoctrine_Dbal_DefaultConnectionService.php:
### Steps to reproduce
I am having SSL enabled for the connection to my MySQL database server by using the following settings in my config.php:
'dbdriveroptions' =>
### Steps to reproduce
sudo nextcloud.occ upgrade
### Actual behaviour
The nextcloud service did not work ...
So I reboot the server.
At reboot I had the following error.
Whenever I use the ios app on a non-cached folder the CPU usage increases and the memory fills up, creating a error 500: Internal server error.
/usr/sbin/apache2 -k start CPU usage is full (w…