While training a GPT3_6B model on 4x v100, the program stop because of runtime error at step 47. The exception show like this:
RuntimeError: chunk move failed. cpu has not 385.875968 MB memory spac…
I am having delay issues when using the [Tradfri Open/Close Remote](https://zigbee.blakadder.com/Ikea_E1766.html#:~:text=Pairing,will%20stop%20shinning%20when%20done) in combination w…
# Context #
Quansight is conducting a sprint as part of the 2022 OGC Disaster Pilot. The aim of the sprint is to demonstrate how QHub/Nebari could be used to quickly spin up a data science platform…
### Summary
We wonder what descriptors are no longer supported, and we want to know how to get the input.json of different desicriptors
### DeePMD-kit Version
DeePMD-kit v2.0.3.dev65+gc6c1ce9.d2022…
Function to run on records from mongo to make them match the EBD format.
I want to move to a smaller package model for Ceph. Specifically, I'd like to have access to the `ceph` tool without all of the baggage involved -- namely a whole JVM install for a .jar file probably …
Thanks for creating this nuget package. My .net core 3.1 project is currently using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection Version 3.1.17. Is it possible for this nuget package to support low…
Hi, I'm new to all this patcher stuff with Mutagen based patching. I've played around with the EBD setup in the past. I just went through setting up a fresh setup. I'm at a loss here?
Hi! I have had some trouble using ebd, regarding the trigger element, issues mostly due to the fact the trigger and the content of the trigger, are separate elements. For example;
Is there a way to use auk to extract only unique species names (common or scientific) from an eBird file without having to load the full file to memory? I mean, a more elegant way to do this: