The refractionRatio has no effect on MeshPhysicalMaterial
In threejs example https://threejs.org/examples/?q=refract#webgl_materials_cubemap_refraction
replace line 81,82 and 83 with the follow…
Could not open instance file `instances/BEE2/50s/items/screen/monitor.vmf`
So any sort of style i choose (for example old aperture: 1950) and build a level, and to to play test it, i get a build er…
Using latest dev build (although prev dev builds also exhibit this issue)
On Ubuntu 20.04 with AMD proprietary driver.
Simple difference object - preview
When moving the viewport the texture of the sphere should morph appropriately, instead it looks bizarre.
If you are submitting a bug report, please provide:
* A clear and concise description of what the bug is: what you expect and what happens,
Updating ThreeJS to version 112 breaks the shader code p…
As suggested in https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/pull/15105#issuecomment-453540970.
I have never seen a toon shader that supports hotspots, environment maps, or even maps for that matter... Or mu…
When using a scene without emissive materials and no envmap, the resulting frame should either be fully black or an error message displayed.
Currently, the error is:
`IndexError: vector::_M_range_…
When I uploader my model in your viewer, it is fine. But when I use gltfLoader.js in my own .html, the model is darker than the original one. I could not find out why, can you help me a little?
##### Description of the problem
In the process of moving my app to the latest version of Threejs to have access to the new pmremGenerator, I found an issue with StandardNodeMaterial which wasn't e…
I am running the service binding operator from master (b0c9641574269f58b6126a406bace6a4b2c07afd on Dec 5) and using `make local` to run. When I try to run the example in `examples/nodejs_postgresql` w…