I'm trying to run W2NER on CPU with frozen transformer weights. I've already frozen the layers and checked it on GPU and it works. But after changing to CPU and modifying all `.cuda()` to `.cpu()` or …
I would expect tokenizer's behavior to match Python version otherwise it will be hard to convert samples from Python to .NET
1. tokenizer.Encode should stop when sequenceLength is reached instead of …
I’m finishing the geological time terms (based on [ICSchart](http://www.stratigraphy.org/ICSchart/ChronostratChart2020-01.jpg)). Here’s my model:
Aptian Age is Instance Hypernym of Age
Aptian Age is…
Jun, Nathan, Rohit, Samuel, Everitt
We all danced at Night at the Museum so +1.6
Hi, Doctor Gao:
When I run the competing method as per your instructions in https://github.com/tudelft3d/SUMS-Semantic-Urban-Mesh-Segmentation-public/issues/2#issuecomment-1040175852. After generat…
_From @ValWood on October 21, 2015 20:33_
This seems an odd grouping term, It seems to be mirroring the function ontology to group _Any_ complex with transferase activity which would be _a lot_ of di…
I see that `languages.json` supports `keywords` to distinguish between Coq and Verilog.
Let's apply it also for C and C++.
Keywords (and just more or less specific words) for C++:
If I have more tasks than 1k, datatrove splits it into multiple job arrays 1k-each.
the first job array of 1k runs fine, the subsequent ones all fail
0: 2024-07-04 23:59:34.496 | ERROR |…
Sometimes folks ping us to ask how they can contribute code to the MegaDetector project, and we don't really have a place to point them right now. Combined with the fact that a couple of important op…
Hi !
I would like to finetune Flaubert on FLUE task with hugging face library. I downloaded the PAWS datas and use the code you gave on your github repo but I have this error message I can't go throu…