I am new to tensorflow and Python. I am creating webservice for validating face in Python. In the current scenario I am calling facenet.load_model(...) for every request which takes too long to load …
你好,git 上的davidsandberg/facenet 是对facenet 完全的实现么
他的acenet/src/classifier.py train model.fit(emb_array, labels) (#96)中 训练 是直接使用SVM ,这与和 facenet貌似没什么关系
Hello, the training of acenet/src/classifi…
I am trying to implement arcface loss for facenet training.
I replaced cross_entropy_mean with arcface_mean which I got from arc face function.
The loss is around 40 and accuracy is 0.00 and not cha…
How i train this model on own dataset ? is it possible for training ? my dataset is breeds of dogs.
I'm using official Qt 5.12.4 and Android NDK 18b (18.1.5063045). Without using any function from package "github.com/therecipe/qt/androidextras" app is built correctly.
Error message dump:
After the models are downloaded in the CMake process, for example as "Super-Resolution-BSD500.tar.gz", the tar step fails:
XXXXXX - ´ Super-Resolution-BSD500.tar.gz\r´ saved [640910/640910]
Rmwak updated
5 years ago
- OpenCV => 4.0
- Operating System / Platform => Ubuntu 64 Bit
- Compiler => g++ 5.4
- modle: FaceNet https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EXPBSXwTaqrSC0OhUdXNmKSh9qJUQ55-
- dnn::Net n…
bzzhc updated
5 years ago
I used the following hyperparams to train on casia.
`python src/train_tripletloss.py --logs_base_dir ./logs --models_base_dir ./models --data_dir facenet/data/casia_maxpy_mtcnnpy_182 --image_size …
I am having a similar issue. Heres the error
Model directory: /home/ankita/models/facenet/20180402-114759
Metagraph file: model-20180402-114759.meta
Checkpoint file: model-20180402-114759.ckpt-275
#### Issue Description
When using ParallelWrapper with a deserialized model, device memory will begin to leak and eventually force a shutdown. Does not occur when PW is used with a fresh model conf…