Hey there,
Got an old BB9E... would like to use it with your py..
i got it to the point where find toy says :
`root@kali:~/pysphero/examples# python3 find_toy.py
Found ed:f9:98:69:43:0c
Thank you for this package!
When using on Android, the `QuickBlue.setNotifiable` function , it throws a java error:
E/MethodChannel#quick_blue/method( 4902): java.lang.Nul…
The client asks for pairing everytime it tries to connect to the NimBLE server on ESP32
Our device (the mooltipass mini BLE) exposes two HID interfaces over BLE.
Recently, a user reported that a change between 5.63-1 & 5.63-2 broke communication (see https://github.com/moo…
# Standard GATT
### DateTime from GPS
Hello Team,
Can you help me out to suggest DevicePropertyCharacteristic for Sensor property CO2?
As a we are using Nordic Kit's Temperature, Humidity, Par & CO2 property for setSensorC…
I am using the Nordic dev board nRF52DK with nRF52832, using BLEPeripheral library. I can use mobile apps "nRF Connect" & "Bluefruit Connect" to connect to the nRF52DK. Then I want to use your python …
Here is the error message:
DEBUG:asyncio:Using selector: SelectSelector
DEBUG:bleak.backends.dotnet.scanner:Received 88:11:96:5C:EA:AF: Unknown.
DEBUG:bleak.backends.dotnet.scanner:Received 88…
## Expected Behavior
I would like to print the `serviceUUIDs` when I connect to BlueTooth Module
## Current Behavior
Inside my function called `scanAndConnect()` I call the function `manage…
pi@raspberrypi:~/Desktop/WeatherMachine2-hrm-master $ go run hrm1.go
go: finding module for package github.com/muka/go-bluetooth/api
hrm1.go:16:2: no matching versions for query "latest"