Now we've streamlined the way we include disease associations it should be straight forward to copy and paste the configuration and data loading steps from PomBase to JaponicusDB.
On Translator Relay call, SPOKE mention difficulties in mapping some types, e.g food, cell types.
In fact we have cell types: https://biolink.github.io/biolink-model/docs/Cell
Copied from Zoom …
part_of relation missing between SNAP receptor and membrane fusion.
## Background
We know some of the [original aims](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eSCjQfR5BujtUYw4W2pYOL6rhPPMycJd8u95X1-5U7Q/edit#) for merging the Animal Behavior Ontology (ABO) with the NBO, b…
Hello Evan. Thank you for creating this software, it has been really helpful. I'm having an issue with the map2gaf command and I don't know why. The gaf file is empty, and the log while i created is:
In this [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bpgF0FpnjbOzfH6bQXPP3ygRpme_MuP6-DOOMdTivu4/edit#gid=776147999) we have all relations used in annotation extensions, at least in WB and MG…
For the CC only version of the form, as well as the MOD imports, we will need to specify that a Gene, Complex, or Protein can be 'located in' a Cellular Component:
` @` AND {
bl:category [GoGen…
Taxon violations for fly annotations for GO:0014016 neuroblast differentiation and descendants:
GO:0014019 neuroblast development
GO:0014018 neuroblast fate specification
GO:0014017 neuroblast fate…
I recently tried eggnog-mapper website to annotate my bacterial genome for COG analysis. From the resulting output I was using the column of COG_categories to calculate the number of genes annota…
# Overview
Right now we have code all over the place for creating Vitessce data/configs: