## These are my class goals today:
- [x] Learn the GitHub Flow
- [x] Learn how to undo things in Git
- [ ] Work better with other people on projects
@githubstudent, what are your goals for class toda…
## 🌿 이슈 요약
- 4차 회의를 진행합니다
## ✅ 체크 리스트
- [x] 진행사항 공유
- [x] 피그마 디자인 진행
지금 구상하기로는 Git Flow 처럼
- main
- dev
- post
- hotfix
브랜치를 따 놓은 후, dev에는 기능개발(ex. 폰트크기 변경/ shell script file 추가), post에는 포스트 작성, hotfix에는 핫픽스(이미지 파일 깨진것 같은)
분리해서 메인에 머지하면 디플로이되도록
The Makefile failed to install on FreeBSD. I've fixed this and have included a patch.
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 764bd23..587c9f7 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -28,11 +28,1…
Currently, the create-branch script will adjust composer.json dependencies to the specific release version. A following upmerge can easily forget to reset those versions back to the dev-master default…
For a monorepo of size significantly greater than `1GB`, cloning or fetching the repository can be time intensive and degrade the performance of a job.
In a self-hosted runner, one way to remedy the …
# Blocked by
- https://github.com/holdex/marketing/issues/78
# Job story
- When developers fix the bug (create `fix:` type of PR)
- I want them to identify and specify a bug author as a part of …
I ran into this when trying out a new demo flow the other day.
- **Sourcegraph version:** 3.28
- **Platform information:** sourcegraph.com, demo.sourcegraph.com
#### Steps to reproduce:
1. …
- [ ] overall git usage experience
- [x] branching strategies, awareness of them
- [ ] resolving merge conflicts
- [ ] Knowledge of Version control software - common clients, what is the advantage of …
### Checklist
- [ ] The issue exists after disabling all extensions
- [X] The issue exists on a clean installation of webui
- [ ] The issue is caused by an extension, but I believe it is caused b…
dnkru updated
3 months ago